Symmetry Innate Blend

Symmetry Innate Blend

Regular price $39.99 Sale

  • Safe and effective in helping people balance their body. Symmetry contains clinically researched ingredients. Our innate and amino acid blends inherent in Symmetry provides whole body support.
  • Great for dogs and cats as both a multivitamin, and for preventative care protocols. A practitioner, Naturopath, and Veterinarian favorite, Symmetry offers the best in whole body support for you or your furry friend.
  • The best in full body whole vitamin and mineral support – Symmetry. Why Symmetry provides the best in whole body care, is because Symmetry is a live macrobiotic formula that incorporates the essentials of life into a capsule. Other multivitamins like Centrum or OneADay contain fortified ingredients. Fortified meaning they are in a different state from what your body would usually digest. The down side of this is that much of what you intake is urinated out. Ever notice of yellow or greenish your urine is?
  • Symmetry is the equivalent of drinking a cold pressed juice, all condensed into one capsule. It is the ultimate in mineral and vitamin needs. The biggest difference it makes in your life is the fact that it is alive. It contains cold pressed extracts that are fully digestible working to feed and nourish almost every pathway in your body { padding: 8px; top: 0; }